I feel like a blog. OK, well obviously that's not true but it's a bit of an exaggeration. I'm actually a normal person with a semi-normal job and I've just put on a few pounds since starting 8-9 months ago. I'm not talking tens of pounds, I'm just talking about 10 pounds. Well, maybe not even that. It's probably more like 5-8 but I'd like to lose about 10. So I figure I need some sort of accountability. And by putting it out here on this blog that hopefully someone out there will read, you can help me in this journey.
A few weeks ago, I got suckered in by the late night infomercial Brazil Butt Lift by the guy that trains the Victoria Secret models. oo-la-la I thought. I got the package, opened it up a few days later and even popped it in the DVD player. But ultimately, after a few minutes stopped. Why? Because I was tired. Was this a good excuse? No, probably not but it happened and I'm admitting to it.
So now another few weeks have passed and my self esteem is tanking because of what my sister calls "a few pounds that are all going to your head." That might be true, but it's bothering me enough to do something about it. I have 16 days before a vacation to a bikini-baring region and I'd like to be a little firmer and a little fitter when I go. So today, I'm vowing to start this up again. Get my butt moving. Do at least SOMETHING, every day AND write about it. Hopefully, together, we can make this happen.
Lots of love,
girl with the sedentary ass
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